Thursday, May 8, 2008

Where's Anatole of Paris when I need him?

When I was a girl, I listened to a song over and over and over again by my favorite Danny Kaye. The song, "Anatole of Paris", told the story (first-person, I must add) of Anatole, a hatmaker. He sang of his love of hatmaking, and as he describes: Give me THREAD... and a needle! I itch, I twitch to stitch! I'm a glutton... for cuttin'... For puttin' with a button! To snip and pluck, nip and tuck... Well, that's me, except with sock monkeys. Denise and Cathy sold on the same day, and off they have gone to their new homes. Nobody is on eBay right now, because I'm trying to get caught up with special orders. And thank you for those! Please watch for the next sock monkey to go up on eBay... hopefully this weekend. Now, back to puttin' with a button!

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